Cuban Biological Weapons Convention National Contact Point Biosafety and Biosecurity Programme and CBMs

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Offering Entity
Offering Entity
Offering State Party
Offer Status
Submission date and timeframe of offer
Submission Date
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Start Date of Offer
Monday, November 11, 2024
End Date of Offer
Thursday, December 31, 2026
Offer Details
Index Number
Year of Offer
Financial Aspects
Implementation Duration
1 week

TThe Office of Regulation and Environmental Safety (ORSA) at the National Authority of Cuba for the BWC can offer the following:

1. Training of human resources in different aspects related to biosafety and biosecurity, among them: training of inspectors and biosafety advisors and managers (overseeing facility or organizational biosafety and possibly biosecurity programmes);

2. Experience in the implementation of accounting systems and control of biological agents and equipment and technologies related; and

3. Assistance in the preparation of the BWC Confidence Building Measures (CBMs).


Dianet Hernández Sainz

Directora en funciones Dirección de Control Ambiental de la Oficina de Regulación y Seguridad Ambiental del Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
Calle 28 No. 502 entre 5ta y 7ma. Miramar. La Habana, CP. 11 300. Cuba
Additional Information and Notes
Offer utilized
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